Privacy PolicyThe Nepean GP Network (NGPN) does not need to collect personal information about you in order for you to visit this website. If NDGP do wish to collect personal information then NGPN will expressly ask you for it.
Personal information, for instance will be required by NGPN in order for you to receive further information or consultation from NGPN. NGPN will use and manage this privacy information in accordance with all applicable privacy laws in the Commonwealth of Australia. NGPN may keep track of the domains from which you and other people visit this website for statistical purposes. If you would like more information please contact us. Above all, the NGPN is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all personal information. It is the policy of the NGPN to maintain security of personal information, including personal health information where applicable, at all times to ensure that this information is only available to the Board and authorised members of staff. The NGPN reserves the right to disclose contact details to Health agencies where it is reasonably expected to do so and within the scope of collecting such information. Any complaints in relation to this NGPN’s handling of personal information should be directed to the Public Officer by email: [email protected] or the Chair: [email protected]. A full copy of the organisation’s Privacy Policy can be provided on request. |
Contact UsPhone: 02 47348556 |