What is the Nepean GP Network?General Practitioners (GPs) are the linch pin to Primary Heath Care. They are there to provide you with advice when you are ill and also help to maintain your health.
Have you ever wondered how local GPs keep up to date with new information? Where they access support for their practice? How they communicate with each other or how they represent themselves on issues that influence their work? The GP Network is a Not-For-Profit organisation that provides a link between GPs and consumers along with other health professionals and services, eg.Primary Health Network (PHN), hospitals, community health centres, and other health professionals. The Nepean GP Network evolved from the Nepean Division of General Practice to provide an independent voice and an identity for local GPs. It provides support for GPs and allow GPs to band together on issues rather than work alone. We are able to identify local community health needs and support GPs to address these needs.
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