The Nepean GP Network coordinates a number of programs and services for the community to promote good health. It actively involved seeks the voice of its consumers and recognises the place promoting health and education.
TELEHEALTH Guide for Consumers
The University of Queensland has released a guide to assist patients in maximizing their telehealth experience. Penrith GPs are only using Telephone calls for Telehealth consultations at the moment, but the technology is available for video conferencing and electronic Prescriptions (eScripts) sent straight to your Pharmacy, who may even home deliver.
Quick guides for consumers What is telehealth and is it right for you? Explains the basics of telehealth and describes how to find telehealth services. Attending a video consultation Explains how you should prepare so you can get the . best out of your video consultation.
Contact us if you would like to become a Member
Office BearersCo-Chair: Joe Rzepecki
Co-Chair Dr Shiva Practice OAM Secretary: Cathy Daniels |