NewslettersAn Update Newsletter from the chair of the Board is provided to inform members and the community of the activities of the of the Board, plus latest UPDATES. COVID-19 TELEHEALTH Guide for Consumers: The University of Queensland has released a guide to assist patients in maximizing their telehealth experience. Penrith GPs are only using Telephone calls for Telehealth consultations at the moment, but the technology is available for video conferencing and electronic Prescriptions (eScripts) sent straight to your Pharmacy, who may even home deliver. Read more......CONSUMERS COVID-19 UPDATE: From the Chair: During the COVID-19 pandemic it has become more important than ever that the Nepean GP Network stay connected with the GPs and practices in the Nepean region. We are faced with unprecedented conditions in our practices, doing the best we can for our patients while protecting ourselves and our staff. GPs are on the front line of this pandemic and the need for physical distancing coupled with personal protective equipment (PPE) shortages have not made this easy. I am writing to you to assure you that the Nepean GP Network is here to support you. We are currently: This link also can direct you to the HealthPathways Covid-19 pages which tells you how to prepare your practices as well as assessing, managing and referring Covid-19 patients. If you need support or more information then please contact Heather at [email protected] Let’s look out for each other and as we look after our own families and patients. Remember our family of GPs too. We will all get through this as we have a great NBMPHN behind us as well. Kind regards, Dr Hany Gayed Chair August 2018: New Employee Dr Hany Gayed was pleased to announce the appointment of Ms Heather Engel to the NGPN Staff. Heather comes to us with a wealth of experience as a Practice Manager. Her main role will be Member engagement and CPD events. December 2016: Recognition of Service Dr James Kidd, founding Chair, was requested to make presentations recognising the service of Directors and staff at the 2016 AGM. 15 Year recognition: Dr Steven Wong, Dr Shiva Prakash OAM & Mr Michael Edwards. 10 Year Service: Dr Hany Gayed & Mr Joe Rzepecki (Co Chair Consumer Reference Group). Dr Kidd drew attention to the fact that the inaugural meeting of the Division was held on the 21st May 1995. Thus making the organisation 21 years of serving GPs and the Community. Included in the foundation Board was Dr. Steven Wong elected as Secretary. He also had a particular responsibility for a project on Gynaecological endoscopy and the GP. Dr Hany Gayed has reached his long awaited 10 year award. To his credit this is now his third term as Chair and has excelled in all his roles. Dr Prakash being overseas was unable to accept his 15 year award on the day. None the less his value to the Network and the Wentworth Healthcare Boards remain extremely valuable. MARCH 2016: National My Heath Record released in Penrith Federal Health Minister Hon Sussan Ley MP launched the latest phase of the Personally Controlled eHealth Record (PCEHR) in Penrith on Friday 4 March now known as My Health Record. The Nepean Blue Mountains PHN was one of two areas chosen to pilot this new version. The other was Northern Queensland. Two main differences in this new version includes a patient “opt out” condition and greater support for local GPs. Both Medical and Consumer Groups had lobbied hard for an “Opt Out” inclusion along with tighter privacy provisions. GPs have been reluctant to use the eHealth record because of the restricted inclusion of the majority of their patients and inherent richness of their own records. This was despite a very successful promotion and take up rate by local residents of the previous PCEHR version. Those who have signed up for the PCEHR will have their data retained under the new My Heath Record. It will mean that more people will be included and therefore make the system more meaningful for treating medical practitioners. There will greater confidence that a record will exist. A patient will still have the right to restrict access to what information and who may access their record to protect privacy concerns. What patients need to be aware of though, is what pertinent information might be needed in a live saving scenario where ever they may be. This is best discussed with their local GP. Using a local Medical practitioner of their choice anywhere in Australia, is very closer to a reality. This will provide a real safety net for the residents of this region who have been very much the pioneers of eHealth over a period of more than 10 years. Dr Michael Crampton, a GP from Windsor, who himself has been an outspoken advocate of using the benefits of computerisation in Medical Practices since 1995 also addressed those present at the My Health Record launch. After briefly outlining the genesis of eHealth, he stressed the need that appropriate training and competences by GPs will be required. He was glad that the government also recognised the need to reimburse GPs for the additional time for curating the health record with their patients. Later in the day, Dr Hany Gayed, Chair of the Nepean GP Network, stressed the importance for GPs to attend locally run Information events this month that will better equip them to answer questions that may be raised by their patients. FEB 2016: NEW BOARD APPOINTED. With the re-election of Dr Viviane Leventhal as a Director, the board considered the appointment of Office Bearers and portfolio responsibilities at its February 2016 meeting. They are: Dr. Hany Gayed, Chair Dr. Steven Wong, Vice Chair and Membership Dr. Mark Dowsett, Treasurer and HealthOne Dr. Viviane Leventhal, Secretary and CRG Dr. Anju Agawaal, CPD and Dr. Shiva Prakash, PHN FEB 2016 - Board Planning Day The Board focus for the March Planning Day was agreed to “Go back to Basics” and review the constitution Objectives, our reason for being, and to consider where the organisation needs to be and what to have in place to fully meet its stated objectives. DEC 2015 - 10 Years Service Adam Ryder, our IT specialist, is recognised for 10 years service. Adam started at the Division under the NSW Health "healthelink" project where we were one of three pilot sites. Apart from the necessary maintenance and update of the IT systems, he continued to have valuable input into the various reiterations of eHealth. He continues to support IT integration into General Practice. Congratulations and many thanks, Adam for your support to General Practice and our members. |
2019 Autumn Winter eNewsletter | |
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Summer 2016-17 Newsletter | |
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Summer 2015/16 Newsletter.pdf | |
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